About Myself and This Website

What's on this page:

Higher Education
Website Development
Site Map

Higher Education

About this section:

The following section summarises the modules I have taken over the course of my time in higher education.

Univeristy College London

MSc Computer Science | UCL

2021 - 2022

Modules taken:

  • COMP0066 Introductory Programming | Python, conditionals, data structures, object oriented programming, exception handling
  • COMP0068 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems | Computer arithmetic, MIPS processor encodings, assembly language, high-level assembly constructs, operating systems, process synchronisation, CPU scheduling, virtual memory, mass storage
  • COMP0070 Algorithmics | Data structure traversal algorithms, time complexity, big-O notation, recurrence relations, tractable and intractable problems, hierarchies of decidability
  • COMP0178 Database Fundamentals | PHP, MySQL, database design, relational algebra, query processing, transaction management, distributed databases, semi-structured data and XML
  • COMP0020 Functional Programming | Miranda, Lambda calculus, pattern matching, recursion, combinators and higher order functions, (recursive) algebraic types, data structures, graph reduction, automatic memory management, memory allocation techniques, garbage collection and reference counting
  • COMP0067 App Engineering | HTML, CSS (Tailwind), JavaScript (ReactJS, NextJS), CMS integration
  • COMP0071 Software Engineering | UML, development life cycles, unified process and agile development techniques, requirements capturing, use cases, object oriented design and analysis, design principles
  • COMP0142 Machine Learning for Domain Specialists | Matrix calculus, linear algebra, probability, statistics, regularisation, discriminative and generative classification procedures, kernel methods, support vector machines, unsupervised learning for clustering and dimensionality reduction
  • Summer Industry Project with IBM

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University of Southampton

BSc Economics and Finance | University of Southampton | First Class Honours

2018 - 2021

Modules taken:

  • ECON1002 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECON1003 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON1004 Economic Perspectives and Policy
  • ECON1007 Statistics for Economics
  • ECON1008 Mathematics for Economics
  • ECON1015 Topics in Economic History
  • MANG1001 Financial Accounting 1
  • MANG1002 Management Accounting 1
  • ECON2002 Macroeconomics Policy 2
  • ECON2003 Microeconomics of Markets
  • ECON2005 Industrial Economics 2
  • ECON2026 Introduction to Econometrics
  • ECON2032 Methods of Econometrics
  • ECON2033 Microeconomics of Strategy
  • MANG2004 Portfolio Theory and Financial Markets
  • MANG2005 Management Accounting 2
  • ECON3008 Macroeconomic Policy 3
  • ECON3015 Principles of Finance
  • ECON3016 Empirical Finance
  • ECON3031 Applied Econometrics
  • ECON3036 Dissertation: Literature Review
  • ECON3037 Dissertation: Research Project
  • MANG3008 Strategic Management
  • MANG3009 International Banking

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Website Development

About this section:

Building this platform was a great opportunity to demonstrate my growing skills in web development, and display my hobbies and interests.

I will also provide additional artifacts such as site maps, to illustrate the thought process and planning behind this website.

The tools used to build this website include the following:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

A more detailed breakdown of the site's development can be found on the Programming page.

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Site Map

About this section:

The following diagram shows the variety of content contained within the scope of this website.

site map

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