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What's on this page:

Welcome Statement
Content Pages
Most Recent
Art Prints
background about
plants 1
background photography
background plants

Welcome To My Website!

This platform was created to cover and document some of my hobbies and general interests. This website in particular combines two of my interests; one of design, and one of information technology. If you have any interest in the topics covered by this website, feel free to continue browsing! More about the origin and composition of this website can be found on the About page.

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Content Pages

The following is a clickable slideshow that redirects you to the main content pages of this website!

Navigate to Programming
1/3 : Art Page
Navigate to Programming
2/3 : Programming Page
Nagivate to Plants
3/3 : Plants Page

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Most Recent Update

Getting Back into Blender

Live diorama of cityscape with passing spaceships.


With university out of the way and a job now secured, I'm finally getting back into the journey of learning the more technical features of Blender. I've started off light with creating a short and simple animation using some previous assets from my Unity 3D project.

Find more like this on the Blender page.

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Art Prints

As another way to share my art with others, I've listed some of my work as clothing items and other merchandise, using the site Redbubble. If you like what you see here, I occasionally upload more designs of new works, so keep a look out for those!

Redbubble Prints

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